Thursday, October 4, 2007

Struggling on with novel. I have now gone back to the beginning so that I can edit what is now appearing as total rubbish. Anyway I need to get familar with the story again as it seems to grow legs and run in all directions. Editing will cut off some of the blighters. Once I edit to where I am then I can resume the plot which hopefully will feel more streamlined!!!
And today, after writing I shall take a well earned rest and read the novel I am reading. There are so many books I want to read at the moment, and they all get in the way of doing the work on the novel that I need to do.


Kahless said...

Popped over from Signs; hi M-O-W!
What novel are you reading?

moonoverwater said...

I am reading , or was, as I finished it last night, Edward Doux's 'Self Help'. I had read a review which was very good and so ordered it off Amazon. Intrigued because it was about twins and I am writing a novel about twins. It was good. Not great , but certainly very readable.
You sound like you are a reader.... what about you? Reading anything good?

trousers said...

I popped over here having found your kind comment on my site. I've barely read any fiction this year (2 novels), but have been a voracious consumer of non-fiction (a stupid amount of books): currently in the middle of Robert Fisk "The Great War For Civilisation".

I wouldn't know whether it might be your thing or not, but it's quite an astonishing read.

I'll pop back again to read some of your other posts :)